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Extra Heavy-Duty Deer Game Bag by Dickson IndustriesExtra Heavy-Duty Deer Game Bag by Dickson 
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Specialty & Comfort
Copyright © 1998 - 2021  Roger W. Raisch * Nadine Adele, all rights reserved

There are so many specialty items for turkey hunters that it took me all day just to make the list.  Manufacturers are constantly thinking up new widgets that we need.  I'll cover a few of the ones I find to be especially helpful.


Early in my turkey hunting career I felt that seat cushions were not very manly.  After all, anyone should be able to sit on the ground for a few minutes.   However, I learned quickly that to have consistent success on turkeys, I was having to sit for long periods of time--up to a couple of hours in the same spot. The old parable that "The mind can only absorb what the butt can endure", is an apt one when it comes to turkey hunting.   Frozen or wet ground can make for very uncomfortable sitting.  And the ground is so hard too!  Trees seem to have the ability to shoot out new roots in a matter of minutes just to pester your butt.  One of the favorite hiding places for grapefruit-size roots is directly under a turkey hunter.  After 15 minutes or so, they will make an appearance and stubbornly refuse to budge.  I decided to fight back. I searched high and low for the best seat cushion I could find. I settled on the Sportsman Seat Cushion about 20 years ago and haven't found anything better in a light, easy-to-carry cushion that really works.  Don't feel like you're a creme-puff because you carry one to the woods....you're using your head to stay comfortable and patient.  And...Patience is one of the most important SECRETS to turkey hunting.  I never go to the woods without one of these cushions.


If you want to carry something a little more substantial to the woods, there are Specialty Turkey Hunting Seats that provide back support and work well when you can't find a suitable tree to sit down against.  These are so comfortable, with padded neck and back support that you'll be taking a nap in no time! I have developed my turkey hunting skills to the point where I can take a nap with a call in my mouth, be fully asleep, and awake instantly when a turkey gobbles, a hen calls, or a turkey is walking in the leaves---how about that?


A good pair of Ratchet-Cut Pruning Shears is a necessity.  They will quietly, and quickly cut away any roots, brush, or saplings where you plan to sit as well as remove any brush that will interfere with the swinging and sighting of your gun.  


With all of the gear a turkey hunter takes to the woods....gun, vest, decoys, pack, camera, etc., it's no wonder that it's hard to get around in the brush in early morning or evening darkness without poking an eye out, stumbling, falling down, or spooking turkeys with all that noise.  If we only had a few more hands.  A Convertible Hands-Free Flashlight can be worn around your head when your hands are occupied, or converts to a normal hand-held flashlight for regular useWith one of these,  I can carry even more stuff to the woods! 


To stay out all morning and hunt effectively, most hunters need to drink at least a quart of fluids.  I used to carry my water in a canteen, then I tried a bota, then plastic water bottles.  None of these were satisfactory because they made noise, took up too much room, and were too heavy.  A Flexi Flask is an innovative new product that has solved all of those problems, and it's even camouflaged!  It also will handle hot liquids like soup.  On a cold day I warm up with a little soup when the turkeys won't cooperate.  I can stay out all day in more comfort now.


A gun sling is a necessity for a turkey hunter.   It not only carries the gun, but also doubles as a turkey tote after a bird is bagged.  Slip one end of the sling around the turkey's head and the other around both legs.  You will need a couple pieces of short cord to tie the ends securely.   Carry the sling over your shoulder with the turkey under your arm.  This is the most comfortable way to transport your bird.


Make your hunt as comfortable as possible....we're trying to have some fun out there.....not make it work!


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TurkeyHuntingSecrets DVD - Become A Master Turkey Hunter - Proven Tactics with Gun & Bow with Roger Raisch "The Turkey Pro"
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Bowgrunter Plus 
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Gobbler Hauler
by Russell Koxlien
Gobbler Hauler by Russell Koxlien
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Blind Secure - Pop-Up Blind Security Kit
by Roger Raisch Hunting Products

Stitch 'N Fix - Pop-Up Blind Repair Kit
by Roger Raisch Hunting Products
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The Tracker™- Professional Tracking System
The Tracker - Professional Tracking System - by THS.com
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Dickson Game Bags
Extra Heavy-Duty Deer Game Bag

Extra Heavy-Duty Deer Game Bag by Dickson Industries
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  DELTA Riverbottom, MAXIM, Bedded Buck VITAL
Delta Replacement Vital # 50201 - Used for "Riverbottom, MAXIM, MAXIM Bedded Buck" .
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Wild Turkey Hunting &  Management Book
- by  Dr. Lovett E. Williams, Jr.
CD ...
Real Turkeys VI

 Dr. Lovett Willaims, Jr Wild Turkey Management Book
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Real Turkeys Audio CD / Cassettes
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Dr. Lovett Williams, Jr Cd's and Cassette Tapes

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