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 Dr. Lovett E. Williams Jr Real Turkey VI - CD Recording of Real Turkey Calling for Turkey Hunting
about how to learn all you can about turkey hunting

The Turkey Pro Sez: "For years, I have been an avid reader of all that Dr. Lovett Williams Jr. has written about wild turkeys and their hunting.  This book is his best ever.  Dr. Williams, one of the leading wild turkey biologists in the U.S.A., and probably Mexico as well, has taken the best parts of four of his previous wild turkey books, updated these sections, and added much more, to make this book the definitive source of wild turkey fact-filled literature in the 21st century.

Wild Turkey Hunting & Management combines the best of 'Art & Science of Wild Turkey Hunting', 'The Voice and Vocabulary of the Wild Turkey', Managing Wild Turkeys in Florida', and 'After the Hunt with Lovett Williams' into a single book, including a newly released CD entitled 'Real Turkeys  VI - Sounds for Wild Turkey Hunting'...all in one modestly priced package.

This book is hard to put down because it is easy to read and understand, and is full of valuable information that will make you a much better wild turkey student and hunter, even if you think you already know plenty.  A few of my favorite new sections include how to build and operate a wing bone yelper, how to maximize turkeys on the property you hunt, own or manage, solid information on how to plan a Gould's hunt in Mexico, how to properly form and operate a hunting club, and how to become a more successful turkey hunter by understanding the behavior of turkeys.

If you are a student of Dr. Lovett Williams Jr., like me, his life-long experience, studies, and wisdom... in other words, his entire life's work, is encapsulated in this one book.  The photos and illustrations are clear, crisp, and carefully illustrate the points he is making in the text.  The book is a top-quality product and one you need to own."

  Wild Turkey 
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    The Definitive 21st Century Guide 
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  • A 390 page hardback book with more than 200 illustrations and high quality photos in 12 fact-filled chapters.

  • Includes a Real Turkeys VI CD "Sounds for Wild Turkey Hunting" covering the 13 most used calls for successful turkey hunting.

  • Book covers:
    ~ Turkey Biology
    ~ Life Cycle & Behavior
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    ~ Hunting Gear
    ~ Hunting Tactics for Spring & Fall
    ~ Making and Using a Wingbone
    ~ Field Sign Interpretation
    ~ How and Where to Find Turkeys 
    ~ Turkey Hunting Weapons and
    ~ Hunting the Gould's Turkey 
    ~ Turkey Myths & Misconceptions
    ~ Processing & Cooking a Turkey
    ~ Trophy Preparation
    ~ Photographing and Audio
        Recording of Turkeys
    ~ Conservation & Management 
    ~ Maximizing Turkeys on Your  
    ~ How to Form a Hunting Club

  • Excerpts from the dust jacket of book

Must Reading for those wanting to learn all they can about wild turkeys!

Price:  $27.99

Wild Turkey Hunting & Management (Excerpts)
by Lovett E. Williams, Jr.

Dr. Lovett E. Williams, Jr - book signingPreface
This book has a resemblance to my Art & Science of Wild Turkey Hunting published in 1989 because I have retained from it some of the photos and a few of my favorite turkey hunting anecdotes, but more has been added than retained and the retained parts have been completely re-written and up-dated.

Added material includes parts of two of my out-of-print books—
The Voice and Vocabulary of the Wild Turkey
and Managing wild turkeys in Florida. I have added topics from After the Hunt with Lovett Williams including a chapter on how to make and use a wingbone yelper, and a new chapter on the Gould’s wild turkey based on my work in the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico since 1989. There is also an account of the origin of the Merriam’s wild turkey which I was not aware of when The Art & Science was written. There are also different color illustrations and updated and corrected maps of the wild turkey’s distribution. The compact disk inside the back cover, which is new, presents narrated audio recordings of the calls used in turkey hunting and in calling contests as discussed in the text.

The term management in the title reflects an increased emphasis in the present edition on managing wild turkeys on private land. The advice I offer is based on what I have learned in 50 years of observing, studying, and managing wild turkeys and other wildlife. The focus is on practices to maximize wild turkey numbers but I know that many managers do not wish to go to that extreme. Managers must decide for themselves how much effort and budget can be assigned to wild turkeys and most will prefer to “optimize” turkey numbers rather than “maximize” them.

Some practices used in managing wild turkey populations are helpful to other wildlife but some are not. No land management practice fits all wild species. To insure balance, land managers would benefit from the assistance of a trained and experienced wildlife consultant in drawing up a management plan. The free advice that so abounds in popular publications about wildlife management is worth exactly what it costs.

My management recommendations are heavily flavored with ecological principles. I do not go deeply into agricultural and animal husbandry approaches because they are untested substitutes for the turkey’s real needs. The wild turkey is well suited for life in the natural environment of North America where it evolved. Planted food crops can only supplement what Nature has always provided. It took natural processes millions of years to bring the turkey to where it is today and the best we can do to enhance its well being is to work effectively with Nature. I will attempt to explain how to do that.

Another theme is about how to become a more successful turkey hunter. My goal is to encourage better hunting skills because skill leads to greater hunting success and to greater appreciation of the wild turkey and the great outdoors. Appreciation of wildlife and nature is the fuel of conservation.

My studies of the wild turkey have been mostly in my native state of Florida where eastern and Florida turkey populations meet. Museum taxonomists named certain wild turkey populations as “subspecies” during an era when zoologists believed that subspecies were “mini” species in line to evolve over time into bona fide species of their own. Zoologists have since abandoned the naming of new subspecies because of its false implications. The forum on subspecies of birds published in the journal of the American Ornithologists’ Union (see Weins, 1982 in Literature Cited) explains the present lack of scientific interest in subspecies designations and should be mandatory reading for all professional wildlife people. Continued use of subspecies names in professional writing only sustains out-dated concepts.

Although today’s ornithologists have little interest in subspecies, I use five subspecific names in referencing geographic populations because the names are useful labels in describing the slams of wild turkey hunting and, in that regard we are, after all, dealing with sport, not science.

Literature citations and footnotes are used in scholarly books so that readers can evaluate the validity of ideas presented and to credit other researchers and writers. I have cited sources but only sparingly because citations are distracting to the reader and I don’t think important in a book of this type. I hope no biologist or writer is offended.

I make frequent use of the adverbs usually, almost, normally, mostly, rarely, frequently, and modifying phrases like most likely because I do not know enough about turkeys to use terms such as never and always. Besides, I am not sure there is anything that turkeys always or never do.

I have limited the book to what I know. The literature discussed in the Chapter 11 and listed in Literature Cited can put the reader on the trail to all that has been written about the wild turkey. But I would caution that not all that has been written is true. A book bigger than all those combined would be needed to describe what is not known. When you read, do so with caution, consider the source, and realize that truth has to be discovered--it cannot be created.

As more is learned about the wild turkey, some of my interpretations will be improved upon and some rejected. That’s the way we make progress. Meanwhile, if you find errors in Wild turkey hunting and management, please forgive me and if I am still around and you can find me, bring them to my attention so I won't make the same mistakes again.

I have had a lot of help with my wild turkey studies over the years as you will see from a glance at the Acknowledgements, but any errors you find I made all by myself.

Lovett E. Williams, Jr.
Cedar Key, Florida

Dust Jacket

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