Secure™ Pop-Up Hunting Blind Kit
Blind Secure™
Pop-Up Hunting Blind
by TurkeyHuntingSecrets.com
Everything Needed To
Pop-Up Hunting Blinds Against Adverse Weather
Shooting / Observation Window Operation and Yardage Estimation
anchor your blind
and keep it from becoming uprooted and damaged due to
high wind, ice, snow, rain, and wet soil conditions.
Customize shooting / observation
windows in your blind so they function better and quietly.
yardage for better shot placement, cleaner kills, and less wounding of
Kit includes ...
4 -
extra heavy duty ground stakes specially designed to not break,
withstand harsh conditions, and stay in place in wet conditions
30 feet
- high tensile strength camouflage line designed to not break in
extraordinary wind conditions.
24" ( 2 feet) -
specially selected 1" wide
flexible, strong magnet material (matched North/South polarity) to be
applied to window material and the opposing blind fabric itself in order to make
window operations quiet when opening and closing, and to improve window
4 ounces -
special adhesive
to glue the magnet material to the blind and opposing
window fabric.
1 -
roll of carefully selected green flagging material designed to be highly
visible to humans, but blend into the natural environment - useful for
marking pre-determined yardage around a blind location while not
spooking game.
Complete step-by-step
instructions on where and how to install the magnet material on a pop-up
blind to improve window operations, range estimation tips, and how to
use the products in the kit.
Kit Price $19.99
Order Separately
10" Ground Stakes
- set of 4 |
$15.99 |
Camouflage Line
per foot |
/foot |
1" Wide Flexible
Magnet Material
(N/S Plolarity)
per foot |
/foot |
Wide Green
Flagging Tape
per roll
/roll |
- 4 ounces bottle |
/bottle |
Read about
the advantages of a ground blind
a Pro's Choice Universal Blind
Review blueprints to build
a Pro's Choice Universal Blind
The Turkey Pro Sez: "Nothing
is more annoying than equipment failure, especially when it involves my
hunting gear, and it usually happens at the worst possible time.
One very common
weakness of most pop-up, hub-style blinds is the stake and tie-down
systems. In a modest wind, or in wet conditions, the thin steel
stakes that come with most blinds can dislodge causing a blind to start
flopping around in the wind causing damage to the fabric, breakage of the
support rods and tie-down lines, or in extreme cases....causing your blind
to blow away! The poor quality of the tie-down lines is also a major
problem. The
other issues I see with most blinds are the window systems. Zippers
and Velcro are not what you want to be operating and manipulating when
game is close by. It's usually very difficult to keep just the right
amount of window area open, or closed, when game is close. You can't
risk making noisy adjustments. Also, most window systems zip the
wrong way. A window should zip open from the top to the bottom,
allowing the loose fabric to fall and stay open with gravity. Loose window
fabric will also spook game...it needs to be kept secure. Not
a manufacturing problem, but an issue none the less is trying to estimate
the range (yardage) to game when inside a small blind. The hunter's
depth perception is greatly affected inside a blind. A
Blind Secure™
Pop-Up Hunting Blind Kit
addresses the problems mentioned above ....and solves them all. Everything
to improve your blind hunting experience, and success, is included in the
kit. The high tensile line, combined with the extra long, strong
ground stakes will keep your blind stable and where it belongs, reducing
damage caused by even moderate wind.
opposing north/south magnetic material is easily glued to where you need
it to keep window material open or closed in a secure fashion.
more flopping-in-the-wind material. I like to open the windows of a
blind with zippers to create just the right amount of open space, then
install the magnetic material so I can quickly close or open the window
material, keeping the material tightly secured to the blind and not
hanging loose or flopping in the wind. When I'm done hunting for the
day, I then zip all the windows closed.
we have provided a roll of just-the-right color of green flagging to be
used to mark off known distances from your blind. This color was
carefully selected to be easily visible to the human eye, while blending
in to the woods environment. I like to mark off 20 and 30 yards
when bow hunting. This color will not spook turkeys and does not
stand out noticeably to others in the area, alerting them to your blind's
location. Deer are color blind, so they aren't spooked when seeing
colors, but white flagging will spook some deer and turkeys.
A Blind Secure™
Pop-Up Hunting Blind Kit contains
specialty products that will make your blind hunting much more enjoyable,
protect your investment, and
make you a smarter hunter.
great product to enhance your enjoyment of a pop-up blind, and conserve
your investment, is our Stitch
'n Fix Pop-Up Blind Repair Kit, designed to
repair and/or reinforce the stress points on a blind caused by
the wear and tear caused by the support rods being forced against the
corner fabric areas of the blind by repeated opening and closing the blind
and due to the wind working the support rods back and forth against the
corners of the blind. It can easily be packed to the field for quick repairs.
quality pop-up blinds, the Pro's
Choice Universal Blind, and
blueprints for building your own blind HERE."