Knowledge is the SECRET to success in many aspects of life. This is
especially true of turkey hunting. To become a Master Turkey Hunter, you must commit
yourself to continuous learning to perfect your skills. And, the wild gobbler of the
year 2000 and beyond is becoming smarter than ever as he is forced to contend with more
and more hunters. |
Don't ever stop learning how to become more successful.
Read everything you can on the sport. Listen to high-quality, how-to, instructional video
and audio tapes to expand your knowledge. Go to the woods as often as you can, even in the
off-season, to learn more about turkeys and their behavior. All of this will make you a
better hunter.....and more successful. Even if you only learn one new thing in a book,
video, or audio tape, or from a trip to the woods, it's well worth the investment. |
The Turkey Hunting Secrets 240-page
Book, 2-hour DVD, and 60-minute
Real Turkeys Audio
CD / Cassettes - by
Dr. Lovett E.
Williams, Jr.
are products that have
been carefully and professionally produced to enhance your knowledge of the wild turkey
and its hunting. If you're looking for Advanced Tips, Techniques, or Calls, or simply want
to learn more about the behavior of turkeys to help you figure out how to out-smart Mr.
Long Beard, you'll find this, and much more in these products. Your
satisfaction is guaranteed!

Turkey Hunting Secrets
Super Sale
Price: $3.99
Testimonial from
several satisfied customers:
"I bought a copy of your Turkey
Hunting Secrets Book.
It was excellent! You've got a great book and a great web site. Keep up the good work and
good luck in all your hunting." |
Donnie Pearsall |
"Your DVD helped me understand the
spring behavior of gobblers, which I had never really understood before. I followed your
advice and bagged a nice tom after watching the tape." |
John Adamson |
"I needed help with my turkey calling. I listened and
practiced my calling with the Real Turkeys Audio
CD / Cassettes - by
Dr. Lovett E.
Williams, Jr.
while driving to work.
I'm ready for the woods now. Thank you." |
John Leschensky |
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