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of this type of broadhead
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recovering your bird
The Turkey Pro
Sez: "New Archery
Products was the first company to develop mechanical
broadheads that don't require "O" rings or rubber bands to hold
the blades in the closed position. The company is best known for manufacturing Thunderhead Broadheads, America's #1 Selling Broadhead. Superior design, ease of use, and quality is
immediately obvious when you examine a Spitfire. Designed for those who want immediate cutting and more
penetration than a Gobbler Getter,
a Spitfire makes an awesome and
deadly wound. Expanding mechanical broadheads, such as these, will incapacitate a turkey
within 30 yards if the arrow is put into a vital area. A turkey hit in certain
non-vital areas, even with an expanding mechanical broadhead, will often run or fly
away. Because of this fact, I always recommend the use of a Turkey Tracking & Recovery System
in conjunction with any broadhead."
Spitfire 100 Grain
Mechanical Broadheads
& Replacment Blades
by New
Archery Products
Bone-Crushing Power To Handle Even the Biggest
3 broadhead Pak-100 grains
3 bladed expanding
mechanical type with 1.5" cutting diameter Will
shoot like field points
Trophy Tip cuts on impact
.03 inch thick replaceable stainless steel, surgically sharp blades
Aircraft aluminum Slimline
ferrule design for superior penetration
Replacement Blades -
100 Grain
9 Blades & 9 Retention Clips
Price: $15.99 ORDER