Why Comp-N-Choke chokes?
The Turkey Pro Sez ...
has been making the world's highest quality chokes for years. These chokes have
won the NWTF's World Still Target
Championship for many years. After shooting
these chokes, and many others, I'm convinced the Comp-N-Choke
are the best on the market.
Determining the best choke and load combination
... for your
shotgun is often a hit and miss exercise and an expensive one too. And now with
dozens of choke tubes on the market, there is more confusion than ever.
Follow my
"6 Tips for Choke
& Ammo Selection"
the pop-up page and you will be very pleased with the
devastating combination of choke and ammo. The loads
in "Tip 2"
are the best performing turkey loads on the market in terms of Value and Consistent
Prior to
products .... |
.... I
purchased at least 6 different turkey chokes, none of which
gave me the tightest pattern I was looking for.
This included the chokes that come with a new shotgun, and several after-market products.
OUT for chokes marketed by the turkey call companies
.... |
they are
particularly weak when it comes to performance and quality.
A choke is a precision made product, so I searched until I found
the high
quality, high performance Comp-N-Chokes made by
experienced professionals.
Remember, a wooly chamber insert will help to keep your barrel
clean and rust free.
Click to
Brass Snap Cap $9.49
© 1998 - 2011 Roger W. Raisch * Nadine Adele, all rights reserved |
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