Why Comp-N-Choke chokes?
The Choke Pro Sez ...
Comp-N-Choke ?
are 3 good reasons to choose Comp-N-Choke
when shooting Sporting Clays for leisure, league or
competition ...
CNC slot-ported chokes significantly
reduces felt recoil and muzzle jump
~ increases pattern performance
CNC chokes
~ improve shot pattern consistency
3. CNC chokes
~ are
the Champions' choice
... and this is why I
depend on Comp-N-Choke for superior performance".
Who is
Comp-N-Choke ?
been making the world's highest quality chokes for years for sporting clay, trap, skeet,
turkey hunting, deer hunting & waterfowl.
These chokes are the Choice of Sporting Clay Champions and Future
Champions. After shooting
these chokes, and many others, I'm convinced the Comp-N-Choke
are the best on the market.
Let's talk technical choke design ....
of the unique slot-porting design ...
Recoil is reduced because the slots allow gases to vent which also allows for a quick recovery
for that second shot.
2. Flyers are eliminated ...
3. Patterns are more dense because the slots slow the wad, allowing the shot column to exit the
choke without the wad driving into it allowing you to increase the
effective range of your choke
or go to a more open constriction.
Bottom line ... the Comp-N-Choke
choke design gives you a tighter pattern and improves your performance.
Getting ready to pattern your gun .... |
Use a good rest.
2. Use a large sheet of paper ( at least 36" square ) to show exact pattern
3. Shoot at least 2 targets, each with different type loads and brand of shells.
4. Know your gun's capabilities before going afield.
Remember, a wooly chamber insert will help to keep your barrel
clean and rust free.
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© 1998 - 2011 Roger W. Raisch * Nadine Adele, all rights reserved |
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