about how to find turkeys with a compass like this
The Turkey Pro
Sez: "I have trusted
Silva for years because they manufacture
high-quality precision compasses in a variety of useful models. The Model 14G Pocket model is
featured for the hunter who wants to locate gobbling turkeys with topo
maps, preplot waypoints with a GPS, use as an orienteering device, or for general
use. A professional compass for those who want the best. A
great gift for your special hunting buddy or yourself,
especially if you want to learn how to locate a lot of gobblers
fast". |
Model 14G Pocket Compass
by Silva
Precision You Can Trust
North arrow and Orienting arrow. Orienting lines
Rotating 360
degree dial with two degree graduations
2 Fan Out Grids--1:24:000 & 1:25:000/1:50:000 for preplotting waypoints with GPS
Lifetime magnetized
Swedish steel needle
Permanently clear,
antistatic liquid with fast settling needle
Slip proof protective case
For Information
Purpose ONLY